2.2 Working with SQL accounts

This option applies only if you selected the SQL authentication option when installing MyID. You must run the PCT on the MyID application server to update the SQL authentication account password.

Note: You must first change the SQL account password on the SQL Server. The PCT cannot change the password on the SQL Server – it just updates MyID to use the new password.

  1. Make sure there are no active connections to the SQL Server using the account for which you are updating the password. Use the KILL statement to terminate any user sessions.
  2. Log on as the MyID COM+ user and use Run as administrator to launch the Password Change Tool.

    The user must have permissions to change the MyID Dal4Net.dll.config file, and the appsettings.json file for the following web services:

    • web.oauth2

    • web.oauth2.ext

    • InternalWS (for mobile authentication)

    • ExternalWS (for mobile authentication)

  3. Ensure SQL Account is selected.

  4. Type the Username and the New Password for the SQL account you are using, then type the password again in the Confirm Password field.
  5. Ensure the Commit Changes option is not selected.
  6. Click Simulate Changes.

    The PCT checks the user details exist in the following configuration file:

    C:\Program Files\Intercede\MyID\Components\Dal4Net\Dal4Net.dll.config

    The PCT abandons the change at this point if the configuration file cannot be found, the system is configured to use Windows Authentication and not SQL Authentication, the Username cannot be found, or the specified Password is incorrect. In any of these cases, the PCT makes no changes to your system.

  7. Verify that no errors (shown in red) are displayed. All the actions that would have been performed are shown in green.

    Note: Confirm that all of the proposed password changes are acceptable before continuing.

  8. Select the Commit Changes option.

    This changes the Simulate Changes button to Commit Changes.

    Note: Log out of MyID on all clients before proceeding.

  9. Click Commit Changes.

    The PCT makes all the changes to your system.

  10. Verify that there are no errors shown.

Important: In previous versions of MyID, to change the password used for the web.oauth2 or web.oauth2 web services, you edited the appsettings.Production.json override file for each of the web services. The Password Change Tool does not change this override file, but updates the main appsettings.json file for the web services. You must check that you do not have a ConnectionStrings section in the appsettings.Production.json file; delete this section so that it does not override the password provided in the appsettings.json file. Alternatively, if you want to continue using the override file, you can use the Password Change Tool to update the appsettings.json file, then copy the updated PasswordDPAPI parameter value into the appsettings.Production.json file